Amplify Your Corporate Green Initiatives: Triumph in Sustainability and Reporting
Dive into how your company can elevate its environmental responsibility through digital sustainability. Discover key strategies for optimising digital efficiency, the impact of our digital world on the environment, and how adopting green digital practices can transform your business. Explore actionable insights and partner with TantusData to lead in sustainability and reporting.
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RDD in Apache Spark
Learn how to utilize the RDD API in Apache Spark to check partition details or perform low-level operations. Despite being deprecated, the RDD API is accessible via the .rdd method on Datasets and DataFrames. Discover how to check the number of partitions with the getNumPartitions method and determine partition sizes using the glom function. Explore the remaining useful operations that RDD API offers for low-level hacking and internal Spark tasks.
check out.Datasets and DataFrames
Understanding Spark's .as[T] Method: Best Practices and Defensive Programming
check out.Unleashing Innovation: A Glimpse into Our Exciting Event Journey
Whether you’ve joined us in the past or are planning to attend our upcoming events, there’s always something exciting on the horizon. Let’s take a…
check out.TantusData Recognised as a Clutch Global Leader for Spring 2024
TantusData named a top B2B company for Qlik, Hadoop, Tableau, Big Data Compliance, Fraud, & Risk Management services.
check out.Navigating Big Data Solution Adoption: A Managerial Guide
A strategic Overview for Decision Makers Entering the realm of big data solutions marks a transformative step for any organisation, demanding a blend of strategic…
check out.Monitoring Airflow jobs with TIG 2: data quality metrics
In the first article on Monitoring Airflow jobs with TIG, “System Metrics”, we have seen an example of Airflow installation with a TIG stack set…
check out.